Student Spotlight: Rachel VanHorn

Student Spotlight: Rachel VanHorn

Career transitions are not uncommon in the tech industry, in fact, they’re the norm—but this particular student’s transition is quite unique. Today we’re excited to share the story of Rachel Vanhorn, a mother and former zookeeper who completed both the front-end and...
What is the Flipped Classroom Model?

What is the Flipped Classroom Model?

Alternative learning methods are popping up left and right. They’re all about catering to the needs of people who want to learn new skills—fast. These new ways of learning flip the script on old-school classrooms and make acquiring knowledge more engaging, and...
Student Spotlight: Morgan Chin

Student Spotlight: Morgan Chin

From Retail Manager to Back-End Developer at O’Reilly Auto Parts  Promineo Tech is proud to feature the inspiring story of Morgan Chin, a graduate who successfully transitioned from retail management to a promising start to a career as a full-stack software developer...