Will AI Replace Programmers?

Will AI Replace Programmers?

It’s impossible not to wonder, how will AI impact programming jobs?  The integration of artificial intelligence into more and more industries has fueled much speculation about the extent to which AI will reshape the field of software development—and if it will...
Do Companies Actually Hire Bootcamp Grads? 

Do Companies Actually Hire Bootcamp Grads? 

Traditional education is no longer the only path to a lucrative career. A coding bootcamp offers a viable alternative, providing intensive programs that transform tech enthusiasts into job-ready developers in a matter of months.   However, a common question looms: do...
Student Spotlight: Renée Dubuc

Student Spotlight: Renée Dubuc

Renée Dubuc completed Promineo Tech’s front-end and back-end coding bootcamps in partnership with Nashua Community College in New Hampshire. Our Founder & CEO, Nick Suwyn, recently sat down with Renée to learn more about her bootcamp experience and job hunt...
How to Pay for Your Bootcamp

How to Pay for Your Bootcamp

Starting on a new career path can be as exciting as it is overwhelming. Many aspiring tech professionals find themselves at a crossroads wondering how to pursue their passion with the financial burden that comes with furthering their education. Tech and coding...